Tuesday 31 July 2012



Before i tell your Of a real FairyTail... Sorry for posting Twice in one day, Just so much has happened :).... My Bff's In real life Thomas (TDduglas) and Abbey (The One and Only Lps) decided to start ateing on Msp around 3 days ago... Then today well tonight i get a message (Not a horrible one like The 'A' teams one) Saying
"Hey, Loads of people are saying me and Tdduglas should get married"?
So i was like "YES YES YES"... since it was so short noticed i coul be bothered to by a new outfit... but i helped pay for some of the wedding :)... This is the fist pic of when me, and Dean1 arived:

Yep as you can see Percysmummy is there who i'm quite good friends with and so is TDduglas and The one and only Lps... then theres a few others includeing the groom :)... Soon The one and only Lps went ofline for tea and we all though oh no... But she came back on soon, so i invited a few cool friends like Chuck and Beckahl

So yeah... Theres a few more people aswell and beckahl is hiding at the back... LOL
I love this picture theres just so much argueing going on. So much like Msp :3
Yep well there is also some pics on  http://00reynoldsainmsp.blogspot.co.uk/

Back to my blog and what happens next...
There both my irl bff with beckah so i'm not just putting pics on :)

heres a video of them tieing the Knot :3
Hope its come out good if it hasn't i'll be quite sad :/
If it hasnt come out good on here there is a youtube Vertion


Hope you enjoy Lol... So the wedding went on and the after party began, there was danceing people laughing even crying :/ well sorta hahaha... No one has as much fun at the weding as they i though :)

Best wedding ever :')
I Love this picture and i hope Thomas and Abz are together forever
Lots of Love...
Roxy x