Sunday 7 October 2012

Thomas's 2nd wedding... To Abbey O.O

You May know, you may not, but Thomas (Tdduglas) his wedding was broughcasted all over my blog in the summer. He married Abbey (The One and Only Lps) - It was a fairy tail of the unmissable, with stars like chuck, Dean1, Beckahl and me atended to! The wedding made history of MovieStarPlanet, lots of peopel know who they are because of there dreaming success. The wedding followed a child Liz (Thecircle) Who became the first little girl. Loves Young dream Until one cloudy day took them by toal as Jen Ostan arived to moviestarplanet, she was a fan of Thomas as he was a snot monsters and he was in spectrum (Both My successfull Movies series) He devorsed Abbey and left there kid with her, then soon after he started dating evil Jen the wicked witch of MoviestarPlanet it soon came out they were engaged to one another.

Soon the wedding day arived and it took its toal in goths Jens garden on the 07/10/2012. Jen was very evil and mean and she convinsed Thomas to marry her. The wedding went on and being thomas's close irl friend, i atened.

The wedding was boring until a rainbow come along, Beckahl!!! She hated Jen for what she did to her sister Abbey (The One and Only Lps) so she told us some home truth about Jen, about what she did to the couple of msp Tdduglas and The One and Only Lps. He didnt care and still went on with it, i was the vicor and i had to ask them both Jen said yes and Thomas took a few mins to think but he didnt say yes! Soon abbey came and he told everyone he loved her, Lookly she came in a wedding dress and looked stunning...

So Abbey arived and Thomas was starstruck! Jen Being the real meany of this tail turned evil and told everyone they will die and that she hates them all...
Now shes the most Hated girl on msp!

Beckah's reponse to that ^.^  'Oh Hun, I recon we have'
Haha shes evil and ugly, she will be hated for ever after to day!
Thanks to rebekah our sunshine she got her sister and bff back together! Yeyeyy..
Thomas is so much nicer and will change his eyes as soon as he can :)

So its a fairy tail ending for Abbey+Thomas wedding 2... Just like the first one... Hopefully Jen dont return but im not deleting her cos i need her in my movies ;D
Well after she left Abbey and Thomas re-married and now Thomas, Abbey and Liz there child, shall live happily ever after!
In this tail there is a prince (Thomas/Tdduglas) a Princess (Abbey/The One and Only Lps) a witch (Jen Ostan) and Fairy godmother (Beckahl) and a boring side cast (Me) :3

To Thomas <3 Abbey xxxxxxxxx


WELL, the resson this is in the same post is:
- It has alot to do with the wedding/ JEN OSTAN
- and i havnt left enough time to get views and comments :3

Being a puree sad-o i got in and started watching merlin but then i logged onto Moviestarplanet and found this is my mail! :'(

AHHH! an auto! LOL KIDDING (i) 
Look at this chick! when she says she wants revenge she really means it! OMG! all of these messages of this chick? Shes a creep/Freak/UNORMALADY! Then after seeing this i new she would send messages to the others so i went on Tdduglass acc and found some more :(

OMG AHH! I then relised something else, besided the number one like 2 and 3, There is Jen Ostan is AFTER ROXY-1 and then the one and only lps and tdduglas and beckahl, THATS NOT THE WORST BIT!!! SHE HAS DRESSED THEM IN OUR STLES :'(

Im starting a new club on msp about her! Me, Beckah, Abbey, and Thomas are NOT living in fear of this demand witch, Guys help me, I want you to join the club! and FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS! she needs to be stopped because 'jen Ostan' Is the next Anomyous...